
Super Hero Meg the Rot Dog sniffs out dry rot fungus

Super Hero Meg the Rot Dog sniffs out dry rot fungus

We are starting to work with Mark Doggett to train a Border Collie dog call Meg to sniff out dry rot fungus. As far as I am aware there is only one company in the country that offer this service.

Meg the Rot Hound 2012

Dry Rot Infection at Jerome. K. Jerome's birth place in Walsall.

Dry Rot Infection at Jerome. K. Jerome's birth place in Walsall.

We were recently asked to carry out an inspection to the ground floor and cellar of the building where Walsall's literary son Jerome. K. Jerome was born. This classic listed building is now a...

All Hands On Deck For "The Pearl of the Dane" Congleton - CW12 1AQ

All Hands On Deck For "The Pearl of the Dane" Congleton - CW12 1AQ

We were recently asked to accompany an inspection on board the " Pearl of the Dane" for a woodworm, wet rot and dry rot inspection. Being a little bit different from the day to damp and timber...

Woodworm survey this week on a 12th century sandstone church

Woodworm survey this week on a 12th century sandstone church

  We were fortunate enough to be asked to inspect the timbers of a 12th century sandstone church this week and in particular to be invited to look at the belfry, of course apart from the...

Property Care Association digital media course by Jane Shepherd PR

Property Care Association digital media course by Jane Shepherd PR

Last week I was down in Huntingdon for the PCA’s newest training workshop.  Not damp, woodworm or waterproofing this time, but digital media, which is Jane’s term for what some call Social Media....